Thursday, March 22, 2012

Iron Rabbit Weekly Update #3: “of untitled and recording”

Iron Rabbit had a band meeting and practice last night.  JC was once again absent so they just tried to perfect the latest Iron Rabbit song which is still currently untitled.  The song is nearing perfection.  Transitions and licks are getting cleaner, measures and counts getting easier to follow and progression hooks are being added.  It now just needs JC’s inputs.  His solo’s and licks and maybe some other hooks that he may come up with.
Speaking of JC, he told the guys yesterday that he would get part of his new rig today.  What that new rig really is, no one knows for sure.  It may just be pedal effects or maybe a new guitar but whatever it is, it means we can start recording any day now.
On recording, Ian spoke last night with the band’s sound engineer, Joji Crisologo.  The Joji will be the one coming into the “Rabbit Hole” (Department of Rock & Roll Studios).  He told the band what he needed to record properly at the “Hole” and some other requirements (WINK WINK).  Before going into the studio to record, the band has scheduled a meeting/drinking session/jam with Joji to clear up everyting.  What tone we like, what EQ setting and other stuff so we can get the best tone and make the songs more kickass.  The band will first record 2 of the previous songs that they can play blind folded namely, “Liwanag” and “Freddy’s Back”.  Philip wants to write new lyrics for the song, “Greed” but the old lyrics and style keep him from coming up with something new.
That’s all that happened in wonderland this week, until next time, Rock On! 
Hush… little darling, just lay down in bed.
Clear your mind and free your head.
I’ll take care of you until the end.
For I am the Boogey Man that lies under your bed …

“Freddy’s Back – Iron Rabbit”

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