Thursday, March 29, 2012

Iron Rabbit Weekly Update #4: Preparations for Recording

Last Sunday, March 25, 2012.  Iron Rabbit met with their sound engineer, Joji Crisologo, to polish the details of the project.  Joji also did an ocular inspection of the "Rabbit Hole" (Department of Rock & Roll Studios) and explained what the setup of the studio would be for the recording.  He also explained the process.  the drummer first, then one of the guitars, then the bass, then the other guitar and finally the vocals.

so the furious five will be recording every Sunday until the EP/Album is finished.  

Lester will be the first one to go into the hot room and he will always be the first.  i think he plans to record all drum tracks in one day.  A good idea so that recording can be done even when Lester is not around.  

All current Iron Rabbit tracks will be recorded.  Liwanag, Greed, Freddy's Back, Masquerade, and the 5 minute lyric (Still untitled).  Joji's personal favorite is currently Liwanag, which, in his opinion, is a very ballsy tune.  "May Bayag itong kantang to, may hrrmmmm (clenches fist)" say's the band's sound engineer.   Liwanag will be recorded first for many reasons.  first, it was the very first song that the band made, it was the first song Philip wrote lyrics for, it was the first song to come out of JC and Revo's first jam and it's got the balls to be recorded first.

Album cover is being designed by a friend while the inlay is being designed by the band's artist codename SVX-01.

Target Release is end of April or mid May.

"Lagi kang tulala, Sarado ang isipan.
Buksan mo ang mga mata at ika’y may patutunguhan."
-Liwanag - Iron Rabbit-

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Iron Rabbit Weekly Update #3: “of untitled and recording”

Iron Rabbit had a band meeting and practice last night.  JC was once again absent so they just tried to perfect the latest Iron Rabbit song which is still currently untitled.  The song is nearing perfection.  Transitions and licks are getting cleaner, measures and counts getting easier to follow and progression hooks are being added.  It now just needs JC’s inputs.  His solo’s and licks and maybe some other hooks that he may come up with.
Speaking of JC, he told the guys yesterday that he would get part of his new rig today.  What that new rig really is, no one knows for sure.  It may just be pedal effects or maybe a new guitar but whatever it is, it means we can start recording any day now.
On recording, Ian spoke last night with the band’s sound engineer, Joji Crisologo.  The Joji will be the one coming into the “Rabbit Hole” (Department of Rock & Roll Studios).  He told the band what he needed to record properly at the “Hole” and some other requirements (WINK WINK).  Before going into the studio to record, the band has scheduled a meeting/drinking session/jam with Joji to clear up everyting.  What tone we like, what EQ setting and other stuff so we can get the best tone and make the songs more kickass.  The band will first record 2 of the previous songs that they can play blind folded namely, “Liwanag” and “Freddy’s Back”.  Philip wants to write new lyrics for the song, “Greed” but the old lyrics and style keep him from coming up with something new.
That’s all that happened in wonderland this week, until next time, Rock On! 
Hush… little darling, just lay down in bed.
Clear your mind and free your head.
I’ll take care of you until the end.
For I am the Boogey Man that lies under your bed …

“Freddy’s Back – Iron Rabbit”

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Iron Rabbit Weekly Update #2: 5 minute lyrics

2nd Jam for Iron Rabbit's new song with the working title "5 minute lyrics".  Finally, the song can now be called "complete".  all it lacks now is JC's solo.  Once JC puts in his solo then we can start fine tuning the song.  This song is Ian's finger workout song.  there are no one note bass parts here, only bass riffs from beginning to the end.  Philip even wants to add to Ian's misery by adding a key shift in the adlib parts.

JC wasn't able to attend today because of his regular checkup with his physician.  The four, Ian, Lester, Revo and Philip trudged on and completed the song.  JC will just need to catch up on the next practice session.

The practice schedule for the Rabbits is still bitch to arrange.  schedule changes hound the band at every opportunity leaving less time for the band to practice and actually play live shows.  another problem is still Jc's current lack of equipment so that Iron Rabbit sounds bit different nowadays.

After really completing this song (including mastery), the Furious 5 will once again try to tackle the song, "Masquerade".  This is Philip's vocal workout.  The first and last time the guys jammed this song, Philip cme down with a fever the day after.  after that, Philip was very reluctant to try the song again citing the very strenuous vocal changes of the song.  after about half a year of dreading the song, Philip begrudgingly agreed to  finally finish the song.

A few more weeks and the songs will finally be ready for recording.  Once the EP is out, other Iron Rabbit merchandise will also be available.  So stick to the page for announcements and the latest updates on Philippine Metal's Furious 5, IRON RABBIT.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Iron Rabbit Weekly Update #1 the 5th song for the EP

Last night (Monday, March 5, 2012), we were finally able to really lay the groundwork for the 5th song for our EP.  The song still needs a lot of work.  Progression mastery, cleaner transitions, and of course, song completion.  The song is around 85%-90% complete, it just needs hooks to really get you into the song.

The song started out as an intro riff from Philip.  Revo, Lester, Ian and Philip tried to complete the song (JC wasn't able to attend due to some shit).  Revo added the chorus riff and Ian and Philip worked on the verses.  LEster wasn't able to make his drumlines yet because the studio was occupied and it was late in the evening at that time.  After that session, we had an Intro, a Verse and a Chorus.  We also had an idea of the progression of the song but everytime we tried to play it without a drummer, shit just hits the fan!  the tempo and rhythm changes are somewhat difficult without a drummer laying out the beat.

Back to last night.

After around a month of not being able to practice as a whole band, Iron Rabbit once again entered the Hole (Department of Rock & Roll Studio) and proceeded to create Music.  After warming up by playing Freddy's Back, we tackled the 5th song we dubbed, "Pasakit ni Philip" (Philip's Torture of us).  What we thought was a difficult song turned out as a piece of cake once Lester was able to lay down the beat.  And boy! does the song ROCK!  It's still not perfect but you can already feel the monster straining against the shackles just dying to get to you.

A fast aggressive intro going into a rhythmic verse then sliding into a very heavy chorus.  This is the basic characteristic of this song.  It's not really riff laden like our other songs (well maybe it still has a lot of riffs but not like the fast riffs of our other songs) but it still screams IRON RABBIT ROCKS!!!

This song is gonne be Legen....

Wait for it.


***true story bro***

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

News Release Schedule

Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly?

hmmm... its a hard decision to make. when to update this blog?

Daily?  Nah, i'll run out of shit to say. Weekly? Probably the best choice but i still might run out of things to say. Monthly? Takes too long between posts. Quarterly? This blog might get buried in other shit...

*sigh* so weekly it is.  i'll try my darn best to update you guys about what's happening to the band every f***ing week.


Here's what's happening to the band nowadays.  We have 5 songs to prepare before we record our first EP.  3 songs are already ready for recording, 1 song we still have to re-arrange, and 1 song that up to now we have only finished doing the basic parts like the intro, verse, and chorus.  The last song still needs a lot of work. We haven't even jammed it as a complete band!

We haven't been able to practice for about 3 weeks now.  Damn schedules.  Lester's work schedule was changed from 9:00pm - 6:00am Mon-Fri to 3:00pm - 12:00mn Wed-Sun.  so maybe we could set practices during Mondays and Tuesdays right? NO. Philip has gigs with his other bands during those nights.  So Practices are re-scheduled to whoever knows when.

JC is also rebuilding his rig from the ground up.  Having sold all his gear to get new gear,  or what is called a GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) Attack.  up to now, he has no guitar, no gadgets and no amp.  so we still have to wait for JC to complete his new rig before we can record.
Even with all these shit, we are still optimistic about releasing the EP by Summer.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Iron Rabbit News: A look into the band members and the roots of the music.

Guitarists JC and Revo, Lester the Drummer, Ian the Bassist  and Philip on Vocals together form Philippine Metal's Furious Five. IRON RABBIT, 

Intense Back-beat, Grooving Bass, Heavy Riffs, Twin Solos and Stunning vocals sets Iron Rabbit apart from their growling and screaming contemporaries.  With very different influences, Iron Rabbit comes together to create heavy, aggressive, and melodic music that makes you stand up, listen, then mosh. 

Lester comes from a progressive background listening to the likes of Dream Theater, Secret Sphere, Shadow Gallery and a lot more artists but not necessarily from that genre.  Lester Provides the solid backbeat on which the bass and guitars take off. 

JC is a child of the blues. Starting out as an acoustic guitarist for a variety band, JC was influenced heavily by old school rock bands like The Eagles and the Scorpions, bands his father always listens to.  aside from doing riffwork, JC also melts faces with his intense solos.

Revo is a dark child of gothic metal.  Heavily influenced by Evanescence, Within Temptation, After Forever and Cradle of Filth,  Revo adds a twist to the band's sound by giving a dark and frightening undertone by adding licks to the main riffs.  aside from doing riffwork, Revo makes jaws drop with his fret burning solos. 

Ian is a child of various genres ranging from the music of the 70's to current heavy metal.  Even with a broad musical taste, Ian gravitated towards metal from an early age having had a chance to listen to a compilation of several underground Philippine Death Metal bands (Sa Kabilang Anyo ng Buhay).  Ian glues the melody of the guitars to the beat of the drum and provides head banging bass grooves.

Philip is a blues, and rock and roll rocker.  influenced by Razorback, Juan dela Cruz Band and the Beatles, Philip takes on the role of Chief Lyricist give WORD to the MUSIC.  His singing style completes Iron Rabbit.   

Everytime Iron Rabbit takes the stage, expect a very energetic, mind bowing, and eargasmic experience.